Lesson 2 - Bouquet in Analogous Colors
Analogous Colors
One hue and its adjacent colors on the color wheel.
Often an analogous color palette is confused with a monochromatic one. When we move right or left in any hue, tint, tone or shade we add in an analogous color. This is a beautiful way to create a cohesive color scheme. By choosing colors that are next to one another there is harmony in our designs. There is a bridge created between the colors. The color in the center of the three is represented in the colors on either side of it. This makes it easy for the eye to digest the palette.
Warm and Cool Colors
When I design I like to add a touch of cool color to a primarily warm bouquet or a touch of warm color to a primarily cool bouquet. It seems to provide me with a bit of relief from too cool or too warm.
Warm and cool colors can also be identified by their VALUE. Meaning how light or dark they are.
Chroma (Saturation) may be defined as the strength or dominance of the hue. The higher the Chroma, the more pure the color is, meaning the absence of black or white. On the outer edge of the hue wheel are the intensely saturated hues.Towards the center of the color wheel, no hue dominates and they becomes less and less saturated.
Watch the video for a spiral technique bouquet tutorial and an example of designing in an analogous color scheme.